June 6, 2011

Oddities of PA & The Nation's Capitol

First Stop in today is a little place called Intercourse PA.

After traveling through some farming communities I arrive.

 Being a sucker for roadside oddities, I had to snap a picture of the sign.

Right next to sign, in an odd juxtaposition was a large group of Amish girls, playing volleyball!

Heading deeper into Intercourse, I surprised by how much the Amish community was commercialized. Everywhere I went I saw signs proclaiming "Visitors Welcome" or "Buggy Rides!"

After Intercourse I decide to continue my food explorations by heading to the Chocolate Capitol of the USA, Hershey PA.

Chocolate World was a huge tourist trap but I nabbed a free Animatronic history ride of the Chocolate factor that evoked memories of those love boat rides.

The Singing cows were the best part
Having had my fill of roadside attractions for the day, I head into D.C. to meet up with Victoria and Brian, a couple of awesome people that I met while Serving in NCCC.

Craving Some variety in my diet, they recommend Ethiopian food, which I quickly agree to.

The Meal is served communally with everybody sharing one large dish. The food is eaten without utensils and using only hands and bread upon which it is served Injera Bread.

Injera Bread can only be described as a soft, Spongy sour dough flavored bread which was quite tasty despite my initial misgivings.

After grabbing a few beers at a local bar, we grab some much needed shut eye.

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