June 2, 2011


The First people that I visited on the trip were a couple of old high School friends, Logan and Lindsay.

I was pretty tired from the early mornings and long rides of the previous two days, so after grabbing some Tai food, Exploring the waterfront, and trying some of Logans TBA (Twice Brewed Ale) home brew (Highly recomonded!), I was ready to crash for the night.

The next day started with an early morning drizzle, and a cold chill in  the air that I hadn't yet expienced even up on the mountains of Maine and New Hampshire, so I was happy to put my newly acquired rain jacket to the test.

The ride down to Rhinebeck was smooth, however, I became quite familar with the smells of southern vermont. lets just say that I was strongly reminded of the landfills that I had spent time in during my term in AmeriCorps.

Rhinebeck NY

Around 2 P.M. I arrive in Rhinebeck N.Y. to see the smiling face of Mystique, one of many AmeriCorps friends that I plan to visit on this trip.

Mystique is a free spirt from Bakersfield CA, who reciently moved out to NY, to work at Omega, a holistic wellness center. The people on the campus were incredibly friendly and hospitiable, and I recived a couple blessings and shared in the Omega experience.

Omega is also home to the "Grandmother Tree" a giant Tree filled with with Prayers and gifts from the people of Omega

I camped for the night right next to the lake and woke up early with the birds.

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