June 8, 2011

Blue Ridge Parkway

Tired of Interstates, I head down the Blue Ridge Parkway down to Asheville, NC.

A beautiful twisty road through the mountains, with many breathtaking outlooks. I have to stop a least a few times to enjoy nature's majesty.

Stopping at one of the outlooks on top of a ridge, I realize that I'm hungry. Pulling out the trusty camping stove, I start Making the every delicious and nutritious Ramen Noodles.

Out of seemingly nowhere. I hear a huge crack of thunder, and downpour starts. Burning myself on those last bites of noodles, I jump on my bike and slowly head down the twisty curves of the parkway. Within five minutes of riding the sun is out again and the clouds just disappear.

Despite the Odd weather, I make it out of the parkway and in to:

Asheville NC

Asheville Is a beautiful college town nestled in the mountains of western North Carolina. Someplace I wouldn't mind Living at some point in time.

After playing some phone tag, I meet up with a few more Americorps Alums and Jade, one of my partners-in-crime for the Bonnaroo Music Festival.

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